Dosificadores de productos químicos

14 artículos

14 artículos
EnvirOx Trigger Spray Bottle - Red H2Orange2 - Designed for 117 Light Duty Dilution, includes spray head. Cleaning solution not included.
EnvirOx Trigger Spray Bottle, 117 Heavy Duty Delusion, rojo
EnvirOx Trigger Spray Bottle - Green - Designed for 117 Light Duty Dilution, includes spray head. Cleaning solution not included.
EnvirOx Trigger Spray Bottle, 117 Light Duty Delusion, verde
Spray Pump Top for Gallon Bottle, compatible with Alpet Spray, ensures controlled and efficient dispensing.
Parte superior de la bomba rociadora para botella de un galón (1/ea)
Trigger Spray Head for 32oz Bottle - A reliable, leak-proof solution with an ergonomic three-finger trigger and rear support. Up to 30% greater output per stroke for efficient and comfortable cleaning in various applications.
Cabezal rociador con gatillo para botella de 32 oz (1ea)
EnvirOx Trigger Spray Bottle - Red - Designed for 118 Heavy Duty Dilution, includes spray head. Cleaning solution not included.
EnvirOx Trigger Spray Bottle, 118 Heavy Duty Delusion, rojo
EnvirOx Trigger Spray Bottle - Green - Designed for 118 Light Duty Dilution, includes spray head. Cleaning solution not included.
EnvirOx Trigger Spray Bottle, 118 Light Duty Delusion, verde
24oz Trigger Spray Head - General Purpose Trigger Sprayer - 8" Long - Handles Various Chemicals
Cabezal rociador con gatillo de 24 oz
Polyethylene Syphon Drum Pump – Versatile and precise pump for 15 to 55-gallon containers. Fingertip control with flip-top vent for easy use. Compatible with cleaning solutions and corrosive chemicals. Available with 2" IPS or buttress adaptor. Made in the United States.
Bomba de tambor con sifón de polietileno, para contenedores de 15 a 55 galones (1 c/u)
EnvirOx Eco-Blend Dispenser for H2Orange2 117 - A wall-mounted, efficient dispenser designed for use with H2Orange2 117, crafted by DEMA® Engineering Company, and featuring an exclusive EnvirOx® design.
Dispensador EnvirOx Eco-Blend para H2Orange2 117 (1/ea)
EnvirOx E2B2 Dispenser for Concentrate 118 - A wall-mounted, efficient dispenser built for use with EnvirOx products.
Dispensador EnvirOx E2B2 para concentrado 118 (1/ea)
A Clea Black Chemical Dispenser with the Filling Station feature.
Dispensador de productos químicos Clea Black (1/ea)
Basket Clean Chemical Wire Holds 4 Bottles - Efficient Organization - Suitable for 64 oz. Bottles
Basket Clea alambre químico para 4 botellas
Best Sanitizers Stainless Steel Pump - High-quality drum pump for aggressive chemicals and industrial use with 22oz per stroke capacity.
BOMBA DE TAMBOR Best Sanitizers Acero inoxidable, 22 oz por golpe (1/ea)
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